Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Chartered Institute of Marketing

The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) is a professional marketing body based in UK with over 42,000 members worldwide. Based in Cookham near Maidenhead, CIM offers professional development to marketing practitioners across the world. The objective of CIM is to raise the status of marketing onto a more professional and strategic level around the world.There are several professional grades of membership, including:
Fellow (FCIM)
Member (MCIM)
Associate (ACIM).
[edit]Chartered Marketer
So long as the relevant experience requirement can be met, Fellows and Members may also apply to become a Chartered Marketer as a sign of being an up-to-date, experienced and qualified marketing professional. The designation, awarded exclusively by the CIM, is marketing’s highest grade and recognises outstanding practical experience and expertise.[citation needed]

It started with Pierce Wyatt and the Chartered Institute of Marketing was originally known as the Sales Managers Association. It was first established in 1911 in the UK by 12 sales managers who shared a common goal to improve sales techniques and bring greater professionalism to their chosen careers.
Over time The Institute grew both in terms of members and the services offered. It first began to offer examinations in 1928. With the company growing, more employees were needed to emphasize the companies image and self wellbeing.
[edit]Royal Charter
In 1989, the Institute was awarded the Royal Charter and henceforth became known as The Chartered Institute of Marketing. In 1998, The Institute began to award Chartered Marketer status in recognition of individual professionalism and on-going learning and development in marketing.[1]
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartered_Institute_of_Marketing

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